Welcome to Jeremiah's Field


The purpose of this website is to enable you to both see and hear the words of THE LORD. He speaks very clearly and requires no explanation or interpretation. If you doubt what is contained here,  speak to him directly. If you have ears to hear He will speak to you.


During the First Era,the Old Testament Period the LORD GOD gave mankind 10 Commandments. They were written on stone and given through Moses             

( Ex 20)

During the Second Era, the New Testament period, the 10 Commandments were taught and clarified by The Messiah, Yehoshua/Yeshua, more commonly referred to as Jesus.    He   emphasised the first of the 10 Commandments, love of God and added   ” love your neighbour as yourself” 

(Lev 19, Zech 8, Mat 5,19,22, Rom 13, Gal 5, James 2)

We are now in the Third Era

It began in 1866. A small group of believers  in Mexico under a man called Roque Rojas were chosen by God for the revelation of the start of  this Era. The prophet Eliyahu/Elijah returned to earth and announced 22 Commandments for this Third and Final Era.

To view go to Page 2 Commandments (top right)


Listen to Elijah

Listen to God the Father

In 1884 The Lord returned to earth in the same way as he departed nearly 2000 years ago, i.e. in a cloud. He, as Holy Spirit, spoke audibly to the same group of believers in Mexico who had been gathered together to hear Elijah.

The Lord continued to teach the same group at regular intervals until 1950. After this year the group compiled a manuscript of His teachings. It was written in both Spanish and Portuguese. It was first known as The Book of True Life, but later as the Third Testament in accordance with the wishes of The Lord. 

It is without doubt the most important book ever written.  DO NOT DISMISS IT OR IGNORE IT.


The Third Testament is a large book of  65 chapters and around 576 pages.   But it tells you everything you need to know. You need no other teaching apart from this book.

You can download a pdf version with the link below: 


and /or

You can listen to it being read via a beautifully presented video version on youtube by Liebesbriefe von Jesus

For an index of all chapters go to page 3 -Third Testament

THE THIRD TESTAMENT.   Chapter 1 part 1

A Word Of Caution: 

Almighty God makes NO mistakes, man however does.  This Website contains information from both.

The website Jesus-comes and the Youtube channel Love Letters from Jesus are easy on the eye and on the ear. But they are works of humans. I see no major mistake in their presentation of the Third Testament. However I too am human. 

But the words of God the Father, The Lord Jesus and Elijah,  are from Heaven.   Treat these with the greatest of respect.

A Call to Action:  

Bring the Kingdom of God down to Earth by your actions.

Carefully read/listen to THE LORDS words written in the Third Testament.  Strive to make your actions in accordance with His Wishes. If you do, you will be bringing the Kingdom of God to Earth by your actions

Recommend the Third Testament to others and petition publishers of the Holy Bible, and religious institutions to include it.

May the peace of the LORD be with you